Find Direct Download Link Of Any Movie Using Google Dorks

Google Dorks for Download Movies

Movies, One of the Most Important Part of Entertainment. Almost every person love to see movies from their PC / Laptop / Mobile device. So for watch Movies in you Device, you need to download the Movie first. Finding the download link of movies is very difficult these days because websites are having some kind of Ads, which can confuse you about which is the download link of the movie.

So In This Guide, We will be talking about:

How to Find Direct Download link of any movie using Google Dorks.

If you still don’t know what Google Dorks is, then I want to tell you it’s just a dork, which we can use in Google for finding different things in Google Like, Finding Specific Files from Google, Finding pdf files, finding any other file you want. So In This Guide, We will tell you about the best possible way ever for finding the direct Downloading link of any movie with the help of simple Google Dorks.


There are some Search Engine Tips and Tricks available, which can make your Internet life more easier. one of the most important part of Internet tricks is Google Dorks, you can use them for various purposes. We have mentioned best Google Dorks ever, for find the download link of movies in just 10 seconds. If you want to enjoy it, simply follow easy steps now from below, and you will be able to find the download link of any movie easily with just one simple search. Check more about this now from below.

How to Find Direct Download Link of Movies Using Google Dorks

*Simply Open your Web Browser from your PC or Mobile device which you have installed like Mozilla
or Chrome.
*Then Simply Open from your browser, and enter below code in search box.
*Movie Name –inurl:(htm|html|php|pls|txt) intitle:index.of “last modified” (mp4|wma|aac|avi)
Note – Replace Movie Name with the name of movie, which you want to download.

*For Example, I have entered deadpool as movie name, so I will search like this
Deadpool –inurl:(htm|html|php|pls|txt) intitle:index.of “last modified” (mp4|wma|aac|avi)


*So in First Link, I found deadpool movie Direct Download link in HD, like below screenshot.


*Simply click on the link, and then you will get the direct download link of the movie for free in high quality, without wasting your time on finding the download link for the movies, which may annoy you because of ads like download links puzzle.
You can now enjoy your favorite movies easily without much trouble. Get the latest download links of movies with the help of these simple Google Dorks. The best thing about this is you can find any movie, from English of Hindi in just few clicks. The Download link of the movies will be in HD, and quality of the movies will be very good too. Now Stop wasting your time on finding the download link of movies, simply use these Google Dorks, and you are good to go.

So This was the way, which you can use for downloading the direct download link of movies easily using Google Dorks. For any further questions regarding Google dorks, simply drop a comment below. Thanks for visiting and stay tuned for more cool stuffs like this.

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